Polyester Tilting Paddle

Traditional Soaking, Liming and Chroming drums provide excellent results for medium capacity jobs. The continuous and daily changes “alkaline-acid” that are produced when processing continuously from the beginning of the liming until the end of Tanning, do not affect at all the African wood of our drums.
If you are looking for space savings, functionality and ease of use in the process,
automated TIPPING paddles with system are, without a doubt, the best choice.
  • Avoids refloating to achieve complete unloading of the leather – reduced water input.
  • Fast and Selective, for the Paddle may tip to any angle allowing any given amount of leather to discharge.
  • The Tipping Paddle is the solution, as well, to some space problems. They may be set side-by-side with practically no gap between them - less space requirements for a given installation. Loading and Unloading operations may be performed from the aisle.
